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    As serious as the COVID-19 pandemic is, it could be an opportunity for science, says Benedikt Fecher.


    Sharing research data openly is becoming more common, but progress is slow. In this blog, Evgeny Bobrov, Open Data and Research Data Management Officer, at QUEST Center, Berlin Institute of Health, discusses whether the COVID-19 pandemic will accelerate the adoption of open data as a common academic practice.


    Dr Sophie Uyoga, an IDeAL fellow, is working on the first comprehensive study on donor blood in Africa. Sophie explains why this is important and how it can improve how this limited resource is managed and shape better policies for blood transfusion in future.


    Lisa Corrigan, an HRB funded SPHeRE PhD scholar in Trinity College Dublin, is completing research into the effectiveness of pregnancy yoga for maternal health and birth outcomes. Using her own experience as a mother and as a practising yogi, she and a team of researchers from University of Dublin, Ireland, sought to guide the development of pregnancy yoga programmes to optimise and ensure the safety of mother and baby.

    Could this be the start of a new era in scholarly communication?

    In her latest blog recently published on Elephant in the Lab, Rebecca Lawrence, Managing Director of F1000 Research Ltd, discusses how we need to learn from, and harness, the new approaches employed during the COVID-19 pandemic to shape the ‘new normal’ of scholarly communication.

    Setting research priorities to achieve quality maternal health care in Africa


    The African Academy of Sciences (AAS) is implementing the African Science Technology and Innovation Priority Setting programme. In this blog, Dr Moses Alobo and Colette Adhiambo, detail the process for setting R&D priorities for maternal, neonatal and child health and why these are important for Africa.

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    Abstracts of scientific articles offer a lot of valuable information, but many articles are not openly available. In this blog, Aaron Tay, Bianca Kramer and Ludo Waltman discuss why openly available abstracts are important and give an overview of the current state of affairs.


    In this blog, Emily MacLean, McGill University, discusses the TB landscape and the barriers to the adoption of diagnostic tests for TB. She talks about her and fellow researchers’ recent study, finding a gap between country-level policy and real-world use of the Alere-LAM lateral flow urine test, shining a spotlight on the critical need for cheap and reliable diagnostic tests for population health.

    Sharing medical imaging data – barriers and opportunities


    Jana Hutter is an open data convert and a member of the Early Career Researcher Advisory Board for Wellcome Open Research. Despite all the barriers Jana had to overcome, she now sees open data as the best way forward for research. Here’s her story.

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    Here are two Q&As with authors about their timely articles, published in the Covid-19 Collection on HRB Open Research, a partner platform with F1000, looking at the experiences of vulnerable populations and the changes that need to be made to healthcare to help these groups during the crisis and after.

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